
Digital Evidence Capture

The Digital Evidence Capture solution provides a simple and cost-effective way to process all your evidence so that useful information is immediately available at your fingertips. This augments the well-established online systems such as UCR and NIBRS that provide national crime related information.

Our solution will process Photographic Images, Videos, Charts, Graphs, Audio, Notes and Reports held in a variety of different file formats. As an example, videos may come from body-worn cameras, vehicle cameras, CCTV footage, interview room footage, and citizen provided footage via CAD. The list is growing every day. Investigating officers spend considerable amounts of time reviewing documentary, audio, and video evidence.

When processing the different evidence items, ExtractIQ can extract information about people, places, dates, and things. More specifically to digital evidence, this provides searchable information for victims, offenders, officers, and other information such as date of incident and arrest, offense categories, weapon categories, property loss details, substance abuse details, incident location, etc. The system builds a digital index of the evidence to support typical investigative tasks for law enforcement, pretrial, parole, probation, supervision etc. processes.

Today, your evidence files are archived and spread over a variety of disparate locations such as paper, file systems, IT applications, etc. Today, there is no one single place to find information. ExtractIQ automatically extracts metadata from your evidence files in all these different places and provides a simple database to search and identify the evidence files that contain references to the active investigation.

How will this help our Organization?

Many benefits will be realized by moving to solutions that digitally transform the investigation and evidence management processes:

  • Increase the case clearance rate
  • Reduce investigation time
  • Increase investigation efficiency and effectiveness
  • Improve decision making as more evidential information becomes available
  • Make some evidence sources like video and audio searchable for the first time
  • Increase evidence integrity through detection of duplicates and assignment of digital key for each evidence item

How does it work?

You identify the different sources of evidence spanning conventional incident and case reports to multimedia files. We then define datasets each containing data relevant to law enforcement and criminal justice. Some, like offense categories, property types, specimen types, firearm types, etc. are preconfigured while others are provided locally. Examples could be victim, offender registers, case identifiers, station names, etc. Any number of datasets can be defined so that references and connections can be made.

ExtractIQ will process the contents of each evidence item and store the extracted metadata in a database. The actual items themselves are left alone; the process just captures useful metadata describing information from within the evidence content. Any special security assignment for certain types of evidence will be respected when users perform searches and retrieve evidence.

How do we get started?

Contact our Sales team to arrange an initial meeting. We will use this meeting to get to know your requirements and provide immediate feedback.

If we do not think we can meet your needs, we will tell you up-front and recommend other options. If we both agree we are a good fit for your requirements, we recommend following our 5-Point Action Plan:

After following the action plan, you can make a go / no-go decision to move forward with us.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!