Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Natural Language Processing (NLP) makes communication between humans and machines easier than ever.
It lets us speak to our smart devices, translates languages on the fly, and helps people with disabilities communicate. With Extract IQ, NLP parses through huge amounts of unstructured data (in the form of the written word) for previously unnoticed insights, and much, much more.

Your unstructured data is everywhere.

ExtractIQ uses NLP to digitally “read” your content and automatically understand and learn. It gives you useful information about the contents without you needing to open the file. Faced with a mountain of files, this will save a huge amount of time.
Syntax and semantic analysis are two main techniques used with natural language processing. Syntax is the arrangement of words in a sentence to make grammatical sense. NLP uses syntax to assess meaning from a language based on grammatical rules. Syntax techniques used include parsing (grammatical analysis for a sentence), word segmentation (which divides a large piece of text to units), sentence breaking (which places sentence boundaries in large texts), morphological segmentation (which divides words into groups) and stemming (which divides words with inflection in them to root forms).
Semantics involves the use and meaning behind words. NLP applies algorithms to understand the meaning and structure of sentences. Techniques that NLP uses with semantics include word sense disambiguation (which derives the meaning of a word based on context), named entity recognition (which determines words that can be categorized into groups), and natural language generation (which will use a database to determine semantics behind words).